“Do you have a tampon?”

“My cramps are killing me.”

“Can you check me?”

Whispers over shoulders, behind corners, and through passed notes and texts, menstruators have discretely communicated with each other for generations about their “time of the month.” Euphemisms and idioms ease the blow of the supposedly shameful and shocking reality that is the passive act of bleeding each month. Doesn’t that seem a bit dramatic?
All that fuss over a little blood…

Exhausted from these secret, not-so-secret conversations, Karen wanted to create a safe space to loudly and shamelessly discuss all things period. Because as any menstruator can tell you, periods can make for a pretty damn good story.

What is Talk About Your Period?

Talk About Your Period. is an interview-style podcast that facilitates and encourages candid conversations about menstruation. We believe all period experiences are valid and deserve to be heard and shared. Periods can be messy, complicated, hilarious, joyful, devastating, and more. Let’s stop shying away from these conversations, and let’s start normalizing periods.

Our Podcast.

Talk About Your Period. plays an active role in the period positive community by encouraging, celebrating, and normalizing menstruation. Through open conversation, we believe we can help eradicate period stigma and shame. By holding space for others to share their stories, in a safe and encouraging environment, we hope to contribute to long-lasting societal change. We want menstruators, young and old, to know that their period is nothing to be ashamed of.

Our Purpose.

At Talk About Your Period:

  • We are Trans and Non-Binary inclusive and affirming. Periods have no gender.

  • We stand with Black Lives Matter. Our podcast is committed to centering and uplifting the voices of people of color.

  • We validate all period experiences. No two experiences are the same; all are valid.

  • We spread joy, optimism, and normalization. We proudly talk about periods because they are integral to our lives, and therefore should be celebrated!

Our Values.

Hi! I’m your new friend, Karen.

Founder and Host of Talk About Your Period.

Karen Daubert (she/her) grew up in Denver, Colorado, where she enjoyed attending concerts at Red Rocks and frequenting local breweries. After getting married to her high school sweetheart in 2016, Karen and her husband took a massive leap of faith and moved across the world to the beautiful country of Taiwan. 1 son and 5 amazing years later, they decided to move back home to America to settle down and re-connect with family.

When she’s not talking about periods, Karen is spending time with her family, brushing up on her Chinese, or thrifting for second-hand goodies.

Recent Guests.

Be on the pod.

Talk About Your Period. features ordinary, awesome people with periods just like you!
No social media following needed.
Do you have a funny, embarrassing, infuriating, or interesting story about your period? Come on the show and share it.
Let’s normalize menstruation together.